Welcome to the Digital Public Information Event for the redevelopment of Hazelwood Integrated College.
The proposal seeks to redevelop Hazelwood Integrated College at the existing school site at 70 Whitewell Road, Green Castle, Newtownabbey. The proposal includes the demolition of a number of existing buildings and the development of a new school campus building, a new sports pitch, outdoor play areas, car parking, and hard and soft landscaping. It will also include the retention and refurbishment of the existing Listed Building (Graymount House) and other associated site works, including a temporary mobile village during the construction process.
Below you can view the proposed development plans for the school and complete an online feedback form based on the information provided.
The information contained on this website and on the feedback forms are provided in addition to a public consultation event which will be held at the existing Hazelwood Integrated College at no. 70 Whitewell Road, Green Castle, Newtownabbey, BT36 7ES on Thursday 9th November 2023 between 4pm and 8pm. Details of this event have been advertised in the local press and notification leaflets circulated within the vicinity of the school.
The website provides an alternative public consultation platform to the event to be held within the college. The Board of Governors would encourage all those with an interest in the proposal to leave their feedback below. Contact details of all respondents will be held confidentially and in line with GDPR regulations.

Your Feedback
Any comments made will be taken on board by the design team in determining the final layout that will be submitted to Belfast City Council planning department in the form of a full planning application.
We would encourage all those with an interest in the proposal to leave their feedback below:
Thank you for visiting this site.
Pre-application Public Consultation is now closed.
What Happens Next?
This digital public information event will close on Thursday 30th November 2023 and any comments received up to that point in time will be considered by the design team. We would ask that comments are submitted either via the website or to Resolve Planning directly no later than Thursday 30th November 2023. Once all of the feedback has been considered and any necessary changes made, the design team will proceed to submit a planning application.
It is important to note that any feedback provided on this website is a representation to the applicant, and not to the planning department in Belfast City Council directly. If a planning application is subsequently submitted, normal neighbour notification and publicly will be undertaken and you will have the opportunity to make formal representations regarding the proposal at that time.
If you have any difficulty accessing the information on this website, any difficulty using the feedback form or require hard copies of the presentation, please contact Damien McLoughlin at Resolve Planning & Development.
Email: damien@resolveplanning.com Telephone: 028 9590 2816